Monthly Lawn Care Products

These are the products recommended for the month based on our monthly lawn care newsletter. Since we are in March, the weather is warming up and spring has arrived. Capitalize on the growth period by using Fertilome Premium Lawn Food to fertilize your grass. Use it in combination with HuMic Acid to truly revitalize your grass after the cold winter. HuMic Acid will help break down the thatch in your yard and reintegrate it into the soil, making it usable nutrients for new, healthier grass to use.

With warm weather comes weeds as well. Use St. Augustine Weed & Feed to fertilize your grass while killing those pesky broadleaf weeds. Do NOT use Weed & Feed if you have already used Premium, or vice versa. You do not want to over-fertilize your grass. Wait at least 6 weeks between applications to apply again. If you want to use a more targeted product, you can use Atrazine to spray directly on the areas affected by weeds.

Bugs also awaken from dormancy during spring. This month, we recommend placing Bug Blaster II to kill and protect against bugs.